Home 5 Our Approach

Don’t hire CV,
retain talents.

Alright, you need new talent for your team. So, let’s start by looking into you before we look for candidates; let’s do this tailor-made.

We’ll understand not only what you want but also what you need. You may want a great project manager, but you also need a great colleague. You may want a quick solution but also need a long-term asset to the team.

We are not here to find a matching CV.

We are here to discover a talent that fits your company identity.

When that happens, talents perform better. And then, they stay happy and engaged for the long run.


Culture beats checklist

Company culture dictates success. We’ll work together to understand what’s needed and match you with talent guaranteed to impress.

The best gems are usually hidden

Passive job seekers are 75% of the workforce. When we headhunt, we know how to get to them and how to get them to you.

Choose, set, go!

We’ll bring you the names. You make the call. Once you have found your match, we can start with the onboarding process.


Relax, talking about money doesn’t get awkward when we are transparent. And that’s how we build lasting relationships with our clients: with transparency and honesty.

Call us old-school, but we still believe in exclusivity. And to better provide seamless solutions, exclusivity helps align our interests with our clients

That’s why we charge a commitment fee of AED 2,500–a cost that is 100% deductible from the final payment after a successful placement! It’s a single fee, with a commitment.